Feger’s scientific interests are focused on engineering and low-temperature experiment methods, superfluid He-3, quantum magnetism, magnetism of low-dimensional systems; non-Fermi liquid systems; heat conduction in low-dimensional systems; magnetism of organic metals. His most significant achievements are cooling of Не-3 to 280 mK to observe the effect of nonwetting of the domain chamber walls; observation of magnon contribution to rare-earth metal heat conductivity; observation of ballistic, resonance and quantum background transport in point contacts; experimental observation of spin modes in the Heisenberg planar antiferromagnet with the spin S=1.

Feger is the author of about 170 scientific works.


Member of many national and international scientific organizations: International Institute of Cryogenics, International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP), European Physical Society (1995), American Physical Society (1996), Slovak Academy of Sciences (2002). Doctor Honoris Causa of Zakarpattia State University (2007).


Laureate of the Prize for the victory in the national contest in organizing the pedagogical process ІSМР-99, the Prize of Slavic Academy of Sciences for organizing the experimental base for research in the field of ultralow temperatures and achievements in studying superfluid He-3 (2002), the Prize of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for his significant personal contribution to development of cooperation in science and education (2005). Awarded Dionis Ilkovich Honorary Silver Diploma for achievements in physical and chemical sciences (1999), Medal of Slovak Academy of Sciences for Contribution to Development of Nature Sciences (2002) and other decorations.