On 2016 Entrance Campaign Results and Anti-Corruption Program Approval

Karazin University Academic Board has convened for its regular session with the participation of the administration, deans, faculty members and student self-government representatives.

The Board began its session with awarding the title of Merited Instructor of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University to the Director of the Educational-Scientific Institute ‘Karazin University Business School’, Professor Volodymyr Aleksandrov, and commendations for fruitful and diligent work to the Dean of the School of Medicine, Professor Viktor Savchenko, and to Professor of the Department of Ukrainian Language of the School of Philology, Volodymyr Kalashnyk.

The executive secretary of the Admissions Committee of the University, Olha Anoshchenko, reported on the results of the Entrance Campaign 2016 pointing out the increased number of applications submitted to Karazin University this year. She also outlined the innovations of this year’s campaign, including the new list of specialities, the same for all levels of higher education, the necessity to apply electronically, enrollment by quotas, introduction of the new model of distribution of the state order, etc.

The First Vice-President of Karazin University, Yuriy Kholin reported on approval of the ‘Anti-Corruption Program of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University’, "The purpose of the anti-corruption program is to minimize the risks of involvement of the University Administration and faculty in corruption activities, to shape their awareness and understanding of the program, to eliminate corruption in all its forms, to summarize and explain the provisions of the anti-corruption law of Ukraine, etc." The Vice-President also acquainted those present with the program structure and outlined its key clauses.