On University International Centers' Performance in the 2015/2016 Academic Year

Karazin University has held a meeting of the University Academic Board. The participants were the University Administration, deans, faculty, and student self-government representatives.

The Head of Kharkiv Regional Council, Serhii Chernov, awarded the diploma of Kharkiv Regional Council to University President Vil Bakirov for his significant contribution to the development of national science and education and training of highly qualified specialists, cultural and educational development of the region, weighty labor achievements and active public activity.

“This award is not only personally mine, this is the award of that contribution to the development of education, science and culture the whole staff of our University are making”, thanked Mr. Bakirov.

The Professor of Academician I. M. Lifshitz Department of Theoretical Physics, Valerii Yampolskyi, was awarded V. N. Karazin medal, too.

The Director of the Center for International Cooperation told about the work of international centers of the University and the implementation of international cooperation programs. The reporter outlined the main directions of activities of eight international centers of the University. The centers assist foreign students in adapting, organize thematic cultural events, hold courses in foreign languages learning, etc.

The meeting also touched upon the current business, namely faculty appointments, awarding of titles, and approval of a series of provisions. Moreover, the meeting also approved the awarding in 2016 of K. I. Rubynskyi Prize to the Head of the Department of Media Communications (School of Sociology), Lidia Starodubtseva, and the Head of Book Relics, Valuable Editions and Manuscripts of the University Central Scientific Library, Maryna Bobrova.