On Intellectual Property Protection and Web Presentation of Educational and Scientific Work in the University

V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University has held a regular meeting of its Academic Board. The participants of the meeting were the University Administration, deans, directors of centers and institutes, faculty, and student self-government representatives.

The meeting began with awarding titles: Honorary Decoration of Kharkiv Regional Council "Slobozhanska Slava"— to the Professor of the Department of Organic Chemistry of the School of Chemistry, Valerii Orlov; commendation, Vasyl Karazin Medal and Honorary Diploma of Kharkiv Regional State Administration — to the Head of the Department of Applied Mathematics of the School of Mathematics and Computer Sciences, Professor Valerii Korobov; commendation for outstanding sports achievements — to the student of the School of Sociology, the bronze medalist of the Paralympics 2016, Maryna Lytovchenko.

The Head of the Research Unit, Volodymyr Sukhov, reported on organizing intellectual property protection at the University. Considerable attention was devoted to the state and prospects of the University's patent activity, particularly commercialization of scientific developments.

The Head of the Center for Public Relations, Maksym Folomieiev, presented the program of development of web presentation of the University’s educational and scientific work. "Implementation of this program will help us solve a number of pressing problems — ensuring academic, administrative and financial openness of the University, improving the web support in terms of work with applicants, in particular by creating an information and reference web platform for foreign applicants and turning websites of schools into open, relevant and comprehensive information clusters about the organization of education and its content as part of the internal system of education quality assurance, on the websites of the University Schools", pointed out the speaker.

In addition, the Academic Secretary, Natalia Vinnykova, presented the design, structure and functionality of the website of the University Academic Board.

During the meeting, the Board elected the deans of the School of Psychology and the School of Medicine — Professor Nadiia Kreidun and Professor Ihor Beloziorov, respectively, as well as several department heads and full professors.