
In 2000-2005, Kremen was the Minister for Education and Science of Ukraine; a member of the Humanitarian Board under the Office of the President of Ukraine (2010), the Constitutional Assembly (since 2012).

His scientific interests cover theory and history of state government, philosophy, politology, education, pedagogy. In early 1990s, Kremen initiated a series of studies on socio-political development of independent Ukraine. He was one of the initiators of joining the Bologna Process in higher educational system. He worked out the National Doctrine of Development of Education presented in 2001.

Kremen is the author of more than 400 scientific works, including a number of monographs and textbooks. He supervised compilation of the first in Ukrainian history “Encyclopedia of Education” (2008).


Full member of Russian Academy of Education (1991), Academician of Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine (since 1995, in 1997 and since 2012 until present days its President), Academician of Ukrainian Academy of Political Sciences, President of Society “Znannya” (Knowledge) of Ukraine and Sports Student Society of Ukraine (1998), Doctor Honoris Causa of Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University (2008), Honorary Professor of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University and other educational institutions.


Merited Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine (1997), laureate of State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology (2005), H. Skovoroda International Prize (1997), M. Kostomarov Prize of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Order of Merit, Class III (2002), Class II (2004) and Class I (2007), Nestor the Chronicler Prize, Order of Prince Yaroslav the Wise, Class V (2012), Medal “In Commemoration of the 1500th Anniversary of Kiev”, Golden Medal of Russian Academy of Education “For Achievements in Education” (2010), Certificate of Merit of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (2004).