On Approval of Changes to 2016 Admission Rules at Karazin University

Karazin University has held a meeting of the University Academic Board. It focused on approving the changes to the 2016 Admission Rules of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University and the Provisions on V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University Admissions Committee.

The Executive Secretary of the Admissions Committee, Olha Anoshchenko, got acquainted with a few innovations: creation of the Center for Information and Consultation at the Admissions Committee to assist applicants in submitting their applications electronically, substitution of the terms “out of competition” for “by quotas” in the provision on V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University Admissions Committee.

Moreover, the changes were also made to the section on enrollment within the quotas established. According to the reporter, applicants who have received recommendations for enrollment by the results of an interview are to submit a written application of exclusion from the competition to other places on state demand before July 27 (till 6:00 PM).