On Academic Plagiarism Prevention and Detection and Foreign Language Teaching Organization

Karazin University has held a regular meeting of the University Academic Board. The participants were the University Administration, deans, faculty, and student self-government representatives.

The Academic Secretary of the Research Unit, Anton Panteleimonov, reported on the state of implementation of norms “Provisions on the system of academic plagiarism prevention and detection in scientific and academic works of faculty and degree-seekers of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University”, and focused on the Expert Commission’s proposals as to improvement and development of the system of academic plagiarism prevention and detection, in particular collection and storage of texts of diploma papers, random checks of diploma papers, course papers and thesis papers for plagiarism, and publication of texts of scientific papers.

University Vice-President Yuriy Kholin made a report on the state of foreign language teaching to the University students. “The current curricula provide for foreign language teaching for more than 6,000 students of the University”, said Mr. Kholin. He also outlined the main problems in the field, namely the differences in foreign language teaching organization at different schools of the University, too numerous groups, etc. According to the Vice-President, the University is actively engaged in organizing foreign languages teaching with the use of the state-of-the-art technologies and methodologies. The mutual efforts of the School of Foreign Languages and the Institute of Post-Qualifying Education and Part-time (Distance) Learning have resulted in ten distance learning courses in foreign languages, seven of which have been certified. The Linguistic Center of the School of Foreign Languages offers language acquisition courses to everyone interested, too.

The Head of the Department of General Practice-Family Medicine (School of Medicine), Yevhen Nikolenko, acquainted those present with the results of the Students’ Health program implementation.