On Awarding Scholarships to University Students and Outlining Student Council's Plan of Work

Karazin University has held a meeting of the University Academic Board. The participants were the University Administration, deans of the Schools, faculty, and representatives of the University student self-government.

The meeting began with the awarding of titles: Vasyl Karazin Medal — to the Deputy Director of the University Central Scientific Library, Valentyna Mokhanko, Merited Professor of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University — to the Head of the Department of Historiography, Source Studies and Archeology of the School of History, Serhii Posokhov, the Associate Dean of the School of Sociology, Larysa Khyzhniak.

Moreover, the Academic Board approved the decision on the candidates of students recommended for the awarding of scholarships.

  • students of the School of Physics Karyna Sokol (Nikolai Barabashov scholarship), Anastasiia Nazipova (Ilya Lifshitz scholarship);
  • students of the School of Biology Valeriia Sheiko (Alexander Nagorny scholarship), Oksana Borozna (Ilya Mechnikov scholarship);
  • students of the School of Medicine Kateryna Lysenko (Ilya Mechnikov scholarship), Yulian Shvets (Vasily Danilewsky scholarship);
  • students of the School of Philology Anastasiia Kamenska (Alexander Potebnja scholarship), Nataliia Proskurina (Vasyl Karazin scholarship);
  • students of the School of Physics and Technology Oleh Luniachek (Aleksander Akhiezer scholarship), Viacheslav Kondratenko (Anton Valter scholarship).

Vice-President Anatolii Udod delivered a report on approving the University budget for 2016, “This is one of the main documents regulating the University’s activity. While drawing it up, the Academic Board took into account results of the budget for the previous year, volumes of budgetary financing approved by the Ministry for the current year, forecasting and estimation of incomes for 2016, etc”.

The Head of the Student Academic Council, Yevhenii Lobanov, got acquainted those present with the plans of the Student Self-Government Bodies for the current semester.