Grand Meeting of the University Academic Board to Mark 211 Years since University Opening

Karazin University held a grand meeting of the University Academic Board with the Administration, deans, faculty, and student self-government representatives participating.

To mark the 211th University opening anniversary, the honorary titles were awarded at the meeting, namely: the title of Merited Professor of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University — to the Head of the Department of Botany and Plant Ecology of the School of Biology, Tetiana Dohadina, the Head of the Department of Theoretical Radiophysics of the School of Radiophysics, Biomedical Electronics and Computer Systems, Kostiantyn Niemets, the Head of the Department of Sociology of the School of Sociology, Liudmyla Sokurianska; the title of Merited Lecturer of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University — to the Dean of the School of International Economic Relations and Travel Business, Vadym Sidorov, a certificate of Associate Professor — to the Head of the Center for International Education, Oleksandr Kahramanian.

Moreover, diplomas for high achievements in studies, research and sports were awarded to the postgraduate student of the School of Philosophy, Kateryna Dovhopol, the postgraduate student of the School of History, Kyrylo Kashtanov, the student of the School of Ecology, Denys Akhtyrskyi, the student of the School of Foreign Languages, Yana Serdiukova, the student of the School of Mathemetics and Informatics, Dmytro Lobanov, the student of the School of Physics, Platon Dmitriiev, the students of the School of Physics and Technology, Anastasiia Vasylchenko, Roman Vydro, and Borys Petrov, the students of the School of Chemistry, Iryna Zaporozhets, and Mykyta Onizhuk, the student of the School of Sociology, Maryna Lytovchenko.

The University Academic Board approved the awarding of Vasyl Karazin Prize to the Dean of the School of Physics, Ruslan Vovk, the I degree Prize — to the researcher of the Research Institute of Astronomy, Iryna Belska, the II degree Prize — to the leading researcher of the Department of Physical and Biomedical Electronics and Complex Information Technologies of the School of Radiophysics, Biomedical Electronics and Computer Systems, Mykhailo Nesterenko, the Associate Professor of the Department of Materials for Reactor Building and Physical Technologies of the School of Physics and Technology, Serhii Lytovchenko, the III degree Prize — to the Associate Professor of A. I. Akhiezer Department of Theoretical Nuclear Physics and Higher Mathematics, Oleksii Holubov, the Associate Professor of the Department of Social and Economic Geography and Regional Studies of the School of Geology, Geography, Recreation and Tourism, Kateryna Seheda, the Associate Professor of the Department of Hydrogeology of the School of Geology, Geography, Recreation and Tourism, Viktor Tereshchenko.

The Board also approved the awarding the Academic Prizes of the President of Ukraine to Borys Koval (School of Economics), Kseniia Cherniak (School of Sociology), Olena Tkachenko (School of Physics), Yevhen Nazarenko (School of Medicine), Iryna Zaporozhets (School of Chemistry), Kateryna Biela (School of Geology, Geography, Recreation and Tourism), and Mykhailo Hrushevsky Prize — to Vadym Tkachenko (School of History).

University President Vil Bakirov made a report "University Students: the Past and the Present. To Mark Kharkiv University Opening Anniversary" where he said, “The history of the University is not only the history of scientific schools, professors, but also the history of its students, each generation of whom made their own contribution to the establishment and development of the University spirit, traditions, writing bright pages in the chronicle of the University life. Founded in the early XIX century, Karazin University lived through the establishment of the industrial age, the period of reforms, counter-reforms, establishment of capitalism, the Soviet times, and so on, and is now adapting to the realia of globalization and information society. Students have experienced changes, too. However, at all times, the best part of students was always distinguished by their thirst for knowledge, interest in science, culture and spiritual life. After graduation theyr glorified themselves and their University through their achievements in almost all aspects of social life: many celestial bodies, geographical objects, plants, mathematical and physical formulae are named after them.”

Mr. Bakirov also presented the results of the social survey University Students: Beginning of the Professional Path, which was conducted in December 2015, with third- and fourth-year students participating. The young people answered questions about the motives that urged them to apply to Karazin University, the quality of teaching of major and non-major subjects, employment perspectives, the University Administration's attitude towards students, etc.