
In 1971, Gushikem defended his doctoral thesis in chemistry, and started working in the Institute of Chemistry of the State University of Campinas (Brazil), one of the most important scientific and educational centers in South America, where he was a titled professor since 1987.

Gushikem is the author of about 200 articles published in the leading scientific publishing houses of the world.

He founded new scientific schools; in particular he pioneered works on amorphous silica functionalization to create hybrid materials for sorption and analysis. He is one of the first world specialists to have worked out synthesis methods and studied the adsorptive behavior of hybrid organic silica materials.

Since 1990s, Gushikem studied covalent immobilization on the surface of silica oxides Al, Ti(IV), Nb(V), Sb(V), Zr(IV), which resulted in a new school shaping several years later in material studies based on sol-gel synthesis of new-generation hybrid materials containing a silica nucleus, a metal-oxide phosphate layer, and an organic component.


His scientific achievements are many times marked by national and international prizes. In particular, he is recognized the best scientist of Brazil, has a medal for scientific achievements from the Brazilian Chemistry Society, the Brazilian and Italian Prize for the significant contribution to inorganic chemistry.

He is an enthusiastic advocate of cooperation between the scientists of Brazil and Ukraine, pays multiple visits to our country, makes reports, in particular at V. N. karazin Kharkiv National University. Gushikem is a foreign member of the Scientific Board on Analytical Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.