Mykhalchenko’s scientific interests focus on the methodological and vision issues of social cognition, objective and subjective factors of the historical process, the driving forces of the political and spiritual life of society, the philosophical and vision processes of education, the genesis of social relations and social institutions in different types of civilizations, regions, countries, etc. Mykhalchenko is the author of the well-known concept of transformation and modernization of Ukraine in late XX and early XXI centuries revealing that the main hindrance to European integration of the country is the internal political and social split in its society. He is one of the founders of the political studies in modern Ukraine. He initiated the development and improvement of the system of training of professional political scientists.

Mykhalchenko is the author of about 400 scientific works,16 monographs, including eight individual ones. His most fundamental co-authored works are “Social Work” and “Philosophy of Politics”.

Mykhalchenko is the President of the Ukrainian Academy of Political Sciences, the Director General of the All-Ukrainian Sociological Service (since 1993), the Chairman of the Board of the All-Ukrainian Public Organization “All-Ukrainian Association of Political Sciences”.


Merited Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine (2001), Excellent Teacher of Ukraine (2001).


Order of Merit, Class III (2002) and Class II (2012), Certificate of Merit of the Verkhovna Rada (2009), and that of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (2007).